Sunday, March 17, 2013

"On-line" and "off-line" reflection...... The views of Robert Kottcamp.

Kottcamp views reflection-in-action as 'on-line' and reflection-on-action as 'off-line'. He Ali outs forward the statement that reflection-in-action is harder to achieve and as a dancer I very much agree with him. In my professional practise I use reflection-in-action frequently and although reflecting in the midst of action is not difficult to me I believe it is the harder of the two. 'On-line' is more difficult to achieve as the practitioner must continue with performing the action they are undertaking while at the same time analyse,observe and evaluate their work from an external point of view e.g as a dancer the point if view of the audience - has the action I've taken been noticed? Does it still look correct?

On the other hand an academic practitioner for example someone from a mathematical background would use 'off-line' reflection. Having time to go home perhaps and review, analyse and plan their action for the future which to me sounds a lot less stressful and much simpler!

1 comment:

  1. I was looking up articles about Kottcamp and i cam across your blog Lauren! Bw
