Thursday, February 28, 2013

Task 1d.....Flickr trouble!!

Ok so I have been fighting with Flickr for the past hour trying to get it up and running! So far not so good I'm afraid. As I am currently in Italy when I try to register it is all in Italian and I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS SAYING TO ME! So for now I have posted a few URL links you can click on to see my Instagram photos from my past contracts.

One day I will figure you out Flickr..... Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Task 1a....... THE VERY FIRST BLOG!!

Well here it is my very first blog!! I think after many hours of trial and error I may just have the hang of this thing! Blogging is a whole new concept to me and something I have never done or thought of doing before but I feel it will be a great way for me to break down and analyse my professional practise more on an everyday basis. I also think it will be a great way to explore more deeply my opinions and the opinions of others by reading and exploring other students blogs.

I have put up a basic 'about me' section just now and I will follow this blog with my c.v. And a selection of pictures from past contracts so you can get to know me a little more.

Not only am I hoping to achieve my degree at the end of this course but I feel it will also help me to become more confident and efficient with technology. Usually I am a huge technophobe and any sort of technology I touch seems to break! So hopefully this will all change and I will start to use technology to benefit me in my professional practise.