Wednesday, April 9, 2014

task 6a pilot interview

Here are the questions i used for my pilot interview which i conducted over skype with Hannah a member of my SIG. I decided to conduct a semi structured interview with a set of themed questions that also allowed flexibility for the participants answers, allowing them to elaborate or expand on their answers where they felt necessary. Before asking my questions at the start of my interview i explained to Hannah the basic outline of my research and what i aim to achieve. I also informed her that if at any time she feels uncomfortable with a question or the conversation she is free to stop.  As it was a skype interview i was unable to record hannahs answers, so written notes were taken throughout.

    • How long did you train as a dancer?
    • How do you prepare for an audition?
    • Do you Think what you wear is important?  Why?
    • What do you beleive you should wear according to what the casting director wants to see?
    • Do you Think nutrition, eating properly the night Before or morning of the audition is important?  Why?
    • Have you ever felt a lack of energy at an audition?  Do you feel this hindered your success in any way?
    • Are there any important dos or donts you have been taught in regards to auditions?
    • Do you feel your college set you up with enough information and training in regards to audition technique?
    • Do you Think researching the Company\job you are auditioning for before hand is important? Why?
    • Do you feel body image is important? Have you ever felt under pressure to be a certain weight or look a certain way?
    • Have you ever throughout your career came in Contact with a fellow dancer with an eating disorder?
    • Where yoou taught about Health and nutrition and the risks of eating disorders in college?

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