So after reading through reader 3 and discussing 'The Networked Professional' it really got me thinking of how I networked in my industry and my sources of information that help me most in developing my career. After making a bullet point list of all my sources of Information I use frequently, I have narrowed it down to five I feel I benefit from the most - my professional network, the Internet, my agent, class and going to the theatre/media.
My professional network - After reader 3 I have come to realise how important my professional network is to me and how often it helps me. Close friends of mine in the same industry are always there to help, give advice or support me when I need it as they know what you are going through. This relates to the theory in the reader "communities of practise". We are a close community of performers all with the same goal in mind, we are a great source of information for each other, wether it be teaching your friend the audition dance as you were in the group before her, or in return your friend letting you know of an audition she found out about you were not aware of. Either way I find my professional network my best and most reliable source of information. And as the reader tell us, it is all to do with 'cooperation' it's all about the give and take.
Internet - Without the Internet I honestly do not know what I would do! I use the Internet daily in my professional practise! I use emails to write and receive information from potential employers or casting directors. I use web sites such as The Stage, Dancerspro and Dance cast to search for information on auditions daily that may be suited to me. I can keep up to date with what's on stage and learn more about my Industry past and present from online magazines such as what's on stage and the stage. I also use the Internet daily to promote myself in my career, I update my spotlight cv. Which is easily viewable to casting directors, I upload showreel's and voice reels to Utube which I can then forward to potential employers for their viewing. The list of possibilities the Internet provides us with is endless. Using its informant to learn or using it to promote yourself, either way it has been a huge benefit to me in my career and now something I could not live without in my daily professional practise! I really enjoyed reading Kym Waltons blog when she writes about the Internet as one of her information sources. She discusses how ten years ago her answers would be different but due to the overwhelming accessibility to the Internet it has impacted her information sources - "how many times would I have said 10 years ago, I must go and google that?" (Kym WAlton) I hugely agree with her statement. I also found Katie Hurleys's blog very interesting when she discusses the use of Internet as an information source but with reference to social networking sites. Katie discusses how social networking can be to your detriment if you have a wild social life and they see it on your facebook for wxample it could put employers off working with you. I agree with this and believe you must be extremely careful if you are using social networking as an information source for your professional practise.
Class - Is a great way to gain information, you keep fit and in top form while also socialising and networking! Being in class and working with other industry professionals is a great way to expand your professional network and gain knowledge from listening and learning to other people's experiences. From asking your teacher questions, or just striking up a conversation with the girl next to you, these are all great ways to gain Information and knowledge. Another great advantage to taking class are the notice boards outside of class. They are always full with up coming audition information, job opportunities in your area etc which in the past have helped me. Taking class is a great tool for a networking professional in my industry, it is a great place to seek out information and knowledge and learn as much as you can!
Agent - My agent is a hugely valuable source of information to me as she is a well established agent in my industry, with a wealth of knowledge and experience and lots of contact information for very important casting directors. Without my agent I wouldn't get to attend half of the auditions I do as its because of her I know about them and get invited to them. Not only does she provide me with information on auditions, but helps and supports me with any questions or queries I have about the Industry. With her help, knowledge and Information she provides I feel I am progressing in my career.
Theatre - I believe the theatre is a great way to gain information and learn. While you get to sit there and watch something you enjoy I believe it inspires you and motivates you by reminding you of what you love and why you do it. While you take in the show you are hearing and learning the soundtrack, you are getting to know the characters in that particular show and you are learning what style of choreography and dance is required. You learn what may suit you for audition purposes in the future and after watching the show you can go away and build upon that character and learn more. I believe going to the theatre, watching plays, concerns or even gigs etc is all very important in my industry as it keeps you up to date with what's going on, what is required of you if you want to audition, what the latest dance, acting or singing style is etc. The theatre is a great source of information with an overwhelming amount for you to learn with each visit.
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