Ok so as I said in the previous blog when I first read that we had to start keeping a journal I was a little scared. Naturally i am a big thinker actually an over thinker really, sometimes I find it difficult to shut my brain off with all the 'what ifs?' and worrying! But to have to put these thoughts out on paper and reflect on them to try and make so e sense of them was a difficult task at first. So to begin I decided to do as suggested and take a different approach and method each day to my writing. Here is how I got on...
Description - I felt this method was very helpful especially when starting out for the first time journal writing. Describing what happened and where and when really helped me to get my thoughts out initially and to get started writing but, but that was about as far as it went. Once I started writing I felt I wanted to write more, explain more and in more details so that when I look and reflect backin the future it makes sense. But with this method I felt held back and unable to progress my thinking further.
Initial reflection - this method came very natural to me and describing my mood and feelings on events from that day really helped me open up and be more aware. I became more aware of how I did actually feel about certain events which took place as I was made to ask myself what mood has this put me in? What emotions has it stirred up? The only thing lacking in this method is description of event and time which I feel is needed when looking back at a piece of your written work in the future.
List - writing lists is another natural method for me as it seems everyday I am writing lists! To do lists, shopping lists, work lists etc but for a reflective journal personally I didn't find it useful for me. I ended up with a long list of bullet pointed words! Words for feelings,emotions,places and times which just now makes perfect sense to me but looking back it won't . What did work though was making an extended list of things I achieved things I want to achieve and things I'm glad I did and learned from. But all in all I don't think list making in this sense is for me.
Evaluation - I loved this method! I felt I could really explore my day and dig into my thoughts a lot more. By asking myself what went well today? What worked and what did not? I felt it was a great way to reflect and grow personally at the end of the day. As they say, you learn from your mistakes and writing in this style really helped me do so. It also helped me to b proud of what I achieved in that day by really thinking and discussing what went well that day and why. I believe I will use this method again.
Graphs,Charts and Diagram - I did not feel this method worked for me. Like list making I was left with a lot of words on my page which when I looked back on did not help me to reflect on my day. I was more concerned about making my chart neat and pretty than my actual thoughts!
What If? - what if really got me thinking creatively which felt nice to use my imagination again, but it also felt very unrealistic. I was imagining sinariose and creating situations which did not happen and which I would like to happen. Writing about feelings and emotions I might feel but not what I did feel. Reflecting on things which did not happen personally did not feel write for me. On a positive note though, after experimenting with this method it has encouraged me to write lists of what my goals and dreams are and things I want to achieve wether it be on a daily,monthly or yearly basis! This method has helped me to be one more positive in my career.
Another View - this method of journal writing I found almost impossible to start! I am a huge over thinker in life with a lot of feelings and emotions and to try and see these thoughts and feelings through the view of another object in the room at the time I found very difficult to comprehend. This method did not work for my personally as when looking back at what I had wrote while practising this writing style I felt awkward and untrue to myself.
I love this blog, it is so similar to my thoughts that I could have written it myself! I totally agree with your thoughts on charts being a lot more difficult when it comes to getting the information on the page and being able to reflect on it at a later date. I haven't yet tried the 'what if' method so reading your thoughts has helped - I'll give it a go!