Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Task 5A Ethics....

Here are my initial thoughts on ethics in my professional practise in regards to working in the theatre with a large cast. Most I feel are common sense and part of being professional In the work place others are set by the theatre.

  • Racism and discrimination with fellow employees
  • Bullying at the workplace be it mental or physical
  • Age discrimination
  • Professional boundaries - no teacher/student relationships
  • No filming of shows/rehearsals without signing a deceleration of permission
  • Mutual respect - respecting others views, opinions and religions
  • Copyright laws - regarding sheet music, scores etc
  • Safety - do not do something you know will put yourself or others in danger
  • Stealing
  • Background checks when teaching young children 
  • Sexual harassment 
  • Time keeping
  • Honouring your contract and terms and conditions
  • Responsibilities - being personally responsible for your own costumes and knowing choreography and spacing etc

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Task 4C...

Being a self employed performer you are your own boss most of the time and without always having a stable job it is hard to have a mentor and someone you can look to for guidance. Personally I think my agent and my dance teacher from college would be the best people for me to turn to for guidance. I think there input would be great for my inquiry as they have been in the business a long time and both had very successful careers in the musical theatre industry.

While being on tour in china surrounded by a cast of 18 dancers and company managers, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to use my fellow colleagues and employers to develope my questions further! As everyone in the cast is of different ages, from different backgrounds and all have different experiences within our professional industry it will be interesting to see the feed back I receive from them regarding certain areas of our practise.

Here are my set of questions I have put forward to my cast members:

  • Do you think it is important to continue training while you are out of work?
  • How do you keep physically fit and audition ready while you are out of work?
  • Do you know anyone in the industry personally or from previous contracts who has suffered from an eating disorder?
  • Have you ever felt pressure to be "skinny"? 
  • What advice would you give to someone starting out in the musical theatre industry to help them succeed? 
  • How do you become audition ready? 
  • How do you deal with rejection and negativity surrounding your career, do you find it difficult?
  • Do you believe that effective networking within the industry can help your success?
  • What Internet based networks do you use and find effective in helping you forward your career? Facebook,dancerspro etc?
  • Do you believe it's "not what you know, it's who you know" in this industry? Does this effect your success?
  • Do you agree that CPD(continued professional development) in musical theatre is important? Once we become "professional" does that mean we should stop learning and striving to be better?
  • What would you say is key to a successful audition?
  • As a dancer in training are you aware of what your daily calorie intake should be?
I will blog my results at a later date as as you can see I have gave them a lot to think about! 
As always I would be hugely grateful for some feedback and please feel free to answer some of my questions if you have the time :) 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Questions continued...

So after many hours of thinking debating and confusing myself with my own questions I have decided to take the plunge and decide what to base my inquiry on.....

"The key to success in musical theatre; what helps and hinders us to becoming a successful performer"

I feel this question will leave me room to really explore every aspect of my professional practise and it will incorporate many of my other themes I had in mind. With this I can explore how much CPD(continued professional practise) can benefit your career, I can look into audition techniques and how we as performers become audition ready. I can discuss the importance of networking and the use of the Internet can be a huge benefit.I can also expand into dealing with rejection. I will also look at how not being physically and mentally fit can hinder your success. What problems we face on the road to success, unemployment, eating disorders etc.

This is also very helpful to me in my current position in my career as after working in ships I am now also trying to break into the musical theatre scene.

I would love some feedback on my ideas please if you could spare a second. I would love to know what your thoughts and feelings are and if you think this is a worth while inquiry.

Thanks! :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Investigating literature......

So I have started to investigate literature regarding my ideas for my line of inquiry. I have came across quite a few interesting articles on the Internet related to my questions and found them all very interesting. I have still not decided on exactly which line of inquiry I would like to proceed with but I'm hoping the more I read and investigate, the more it will come clear what road I would like to continue down.

Here are some of the links I have found regarding my topics of interest:

  • The links below I found very interesting as they discuss the major problem of body image within professional dance. They tell of how eating disorders and body dis morphia can effect u physically and socially. Not only effecting your career and success but effecting your relationships.  I find this topic extremely interesting as in my professional career I have came across several dancers with eating disorders and find it so sad. Surely your career and success in your industry should only be about your talent, hard work and dedication not about body image and what size dress you are.





Dancer body image


  • The importance of good nutrition and health as a dancer is another area of inquiry I am interested In and found these articles interesting. I was not even aware of how many calories I should be Intaking everyday and what Truly is a healthy balanced diet.  

Fuelling the dancer



  • I found these two articles interesting as they discuss the statistics of unemployed dancers and also how it is more difficult to be an unemployed dancer, but I don't think I will go down this route for my inquiry as I don't think there is a great deal to discuss.



Another line of inquiry I am very interested in is the importance of continued professional
development in my professional practise. I feel this topic covers a wide span of areas within my
career to discuss...

  • How being the best u can be through continued development can impact on your success?
  • Staying audition ready so we can secure that next job
  • Staying mentally and physically strong, dealing with rejection
  • Reflecting from events and learning from them to help become a better professional
Looking on the Internet there are a lot of articles regarding CPD but none really specific to my career which makes me want to investigate it more myself to get answers and use my fellow colleagues to really get an idea of how important continued development and training Is to a professional performers career.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Task 4b... SIG group

I have joined a SIG group set up by Ellen Lee Stokes on the network linked inn! I noticed on Ellens blog she seems to be in the same area of her career as I am and our initial questions for enquiry were very similar. I am very glad I have joined this group as I feel it will be a great help to be able to talk and ask each other questions regarding our professional practise throughout the module!