Saturday, October 19, 2013

Brainstorming question ideas....

Ok so after reading through the reader several times I have started to answer some of the questions. I have been trying to brainstorm some ideas for the last week, trying to find questions which relate to my profession and the stage I am currently at in my career.  I have also found looking at past blogs of people in the same position as me very insightful and interesting. It has helped me to really focus on what I find interesting, what will help me develop in my professional practise and what ideas/questions do I feel I can really focus on and research and developer further.

I am currently on tour in China with a show called Red Hot Broadway with a cast of 20 dancers so I thought about questions I could put forward to them for some feedback while I am here:

How Do We Become Audition Ready?

  • The importance of perpetration and understanding before an audition - how does it affect your success?
  • How do we become audition ready? Singing lessons, dance classes, character research?
  • How do performers deal with nerves before an audition? Can it hinder your performance on the day?
  • How do we handle the audition experience, picking up choreography, harmonise, learning lines?
  • How do performers deal with rejection? I would like to dig deeper into this question to research positive and negative reactions to rejection in the industry how it can affect people mentally and physically. 
The Importance of Continued Learning and Training

  • Should we ever stop learning and progressing as a professional performer? 
  • Are we ever at our full potential? How many years of practise and training does it take till we can call ourselves "professional"?
  • Where do we continue to learn... Dance class? Singing lessons? 
  • How important is it to your career to keep training while out of work?
Looking Deeper into the Psychology of the Dance Industry
  • Having to have a "dancers body" and public body image pressure how it effects dancers, eating disorders, body dismorphia etc?
  • How does this effect your success in the industry? How does this effect your personal life?
Health and Nutrition 

  • How do we stay fit and ready to work In between contracts?
  • How important is nutrition and a balanced diet to our career?
So that's my brainstorming ideas so far, all points are very closely linked and major aspects of 
balancing life as a dancer. It will be hard to pick one avenue in which to delv deaper and research 
more but I think currently being surrounded by dancers will be a great help as I can research and ask them which areas they feel are most important to our career.

I would really love and appreciate some feedback on my questions so please feel free to comment it would be a huge help! :) 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Module 2

So the time has come to start module 2 and I have no idea where to start! It's all a bit overwhelming! I think I will have to read the reader 100 times before it starts to make a little more sense to me!!

Wish me luck!!! Xxx